Friday, April 2, 2010

As someone who experiences pain on a daily basis, I am interested in exploring and discussing the issues surrounding the fact that many so-called ‘pain management’ clinics refuse to prescribe opiate based pharmaceuticals, aka narcotics, to chronic pain sufferers. I have had cauda equina syndrome for approximately two years, and still experience considerable pain, even though I DO receive narcotic treatment in the form of methadone. Here’s the catch: I have to travel almost 2 hours to an out-of-state pain management center because there are no local clinics in my medical insurance formulary that treat pain with narcotics. Let me put that another way. All the pain management centers in my medical insurance formulary DO NOT prescribe narcotics for pain, regardless of the severity or duration of that pain. It’s not that I have poor medical coverage, it’s that these pain management centers are under the misguided impression that they can adequately treat severe pain without any opiates, the most familiar being codeine, percocet, vicodin, morphine, oxycontin, etc. At first, I thought there must have been some misunderstanding. When I was told that all the pain management centers in my area did not prescribe narcotics, I thought to myself, “Well, surely they just mean that they don’t prescribe them right away. I understand, I have to be evaluated first. There must be some process one has to go through before they start handing out prescriptions.” I was wrong. There is no process. There is no evaluation. There is no criteria that a person must meet, because there is no criteria! There are no circumstances in which they consider it necessary to use opiates to relieve pain. Call me naive, but I thought the same thing you are probably thinking now, as you read this: well that doesn’t make any sense; it’s not like there are no doctors in CT who prescribe narcotics! And you would be right, to a point. You may get a few vicodin or percocet from your dentist after a procedure, and you may well be sent home from the hospital with a fair and adequate amount of narcotics. You may even receive a narcotics prescription from your family physician. What you may not know, and the reason I write this article, is that if you are in the unfortunate group of people who are forced to live out their lives in constant pain… you will be told statistically inaccurate stories about how there is no safe or effective way to relieve pain with narcotics for an extended period of time, and that you must consider other options. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for considering other options. In fact, I believe all the other options should be considered before using narcotics, however, there are some instances where the pain is too severe and the use of opiates is the best option. I am familiar with nerve stimulators, if that’s the option that came to mind. The problem is, where I am you have to wait two years before the use of a nerve stimulator will even be considered. I welcome comments, questions and information. Although my pain is being treated as aggressively as can reasonably be expected, I can not help but wonder about all those who must certainly be suffering because of this bygone and spurious notion that opiates do more harm than good. I can, and possibly will write a detailed and honest description of what prolonged pain can do to a person. I’ll leave you with this thought; it does more than just hurt. Below is the address of a REASON MAGAZINE article on “opiophobia”, a term used to describe physicians’ fear of opiates. There are hundreds of others, but I’d like to hear from you…

1 comment:

  1. I am a long-time migraineur.

    The post above is an absolutely, positively, 100% accurate observation of the hypocritical non-medical institutions mis-named as "pain management" clinics--staffed and ruled by severe figures as dogmatic, anti-science, and closed-minded as a fringe religious sect, ignoring centuries of experience and study of opiate safety in favor of cutting into the body with little to show for migraineurs but their own PROFIT--in the meanwhile giving no shit about the purported goal--relieving patient pain, the life-destroying sixth vital sign. "Pain Management Clinics" are "Pain Cults".

    DrGrinchman wrote:

    "What you may not know, and the reason I write this article, is that if you are in the unfortunate group of people who are forced to live out their lives in constant pain… you will be told statistically inaccurate stories about how there is no safe or effective way to relieve pain with narcotics for an extended period of time, and that you must consider other options."

    For migraineurs, those other options are expensive, invasive, and experimental (they never know if a nerve block's going to work, I've had 2 in 2 states--both cost $$$$, & neither touched the pain), & if these & the Pain Cults' other lame, Hail Mary experiments like massage and accupuncture (statistically-pathetic for the end-of-their-rope pain sufferers who end up at such Cults, especially chronic daily migraines) fail, as they will, well, then, you're told you just have to suffer.
    Even though relief is cheap and easy and safe. Opiates don't line their pockets, and for every GP or neurologist that manages a migraineur's pain competently, such that parenting, work, and household chores and activities are actually possible, that's one less patient from which to wring thousands of dollars, not giving a damn that by relieving none of the blindingly incapacitating pain whatsoever, these rich Pain Cult sadists consign their victims/patients careers, families, and personhoods to destruction and loss ... in my case causing irreparable damage to my 3 little boys due to being divorced by a spouse who was find with "in sickness and health" when SHE was sick, but who abandoned us when these hateful "clinics" refused to do what their name says they do.

    It sounds like paranoia, but no, I was so glad to see I wasn't the only one who'd experienced this in their state. Minnesota and Indiana provided my personal experiences of through-the-looking-glass insanity (I literally mean NOT-SANE) of these Pain Cults whose very official name is a misnomer. "Pain management" clinics refuse to manage pain. They try to make small strikes at it, blindly, and refuse relief even if they can't schedule your fucking accupuncture visit for months in advance. What worthless doctor treats disabling pain in so cavalier, unprofessional, ineffective--no, NOT EVEN TRYING--a fashion, even if it's "just" interim pain for a few months prior to an accupuncture session that, unlike the opiate/triptan combo, is NOT guaranteed to provide any relief at all.

    This is how idiotic "pain management clinics" are -- they stole my life from me by failing to be staffed with humans (who are equipped with empathy) and whose pet theories were more valuable to them than my well being both in health and in the dominoes that fall in the wake of malpractice-level failure to treat pain.

    How right is DrGrinchman? I'm now divorced, see my all-important sons only half the time, am unemployed, and have lost my law license because I couldn't afford the fees for continuing legal education Indiana requires of its attorneys each year--largely a forced taking of money from the poor, jobless attorneys in a glutted market, to give to the successful, glowing presenters for 90% filler, and maybe 10% actual education.

    Thank you, you evil fucking "pain management clinics".
